Using the .NET API to Clone a Record

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One of the Sage 200 development partners had read Jeff Richard's blog post about 'cloning' records in the COM API, (Using the COM API to Clone a Record) and asked if there was a .NET API version. As far as I could tell there wasn't so I wrote the method you will find below.

You need to add a reference to SageCRMWrapper.dll to do this.

private void CopyRecord(string entityName, int entityId)
Sage.CRM.Utils.TableInfo tableInfo = Metadata.GetTableInfo(entityName);
Sage.CRM.Data.Record existingRecord = FindRecord(entityName, String.Format("{0}={1}", tableInfo.IdField, entityId));
Sage.CRM.Data.Record newRecord = new Sage.CRM.Data.Record(entityName);

Sage.CRM.Wrapper.IeWareRecord enumerableExistingRecord = GetEnumerableRecord(existingRecord);
Sage.CRM.Wrapper.IeWareRecord enumerableNewRecord = GetEnumerableRecord(newRecord);

foreach (object i in enumerableExistingRecord)
string p = i.ToString();
if (p != tableInfo.IdField)
enumerableNewRecord[p] = enumerableExistingRecord[p];
catch (Exception ex)
//handle exception


private Sage.CRM.Wrapper.IeWareRecord GetEnumerableRecord(Sage.CRM.Data.Record rec)
System.Type t = rec.GetType();
System.Reflection.MethodInfo mi = t.GetMethod("GetInternalEntity", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance);
return (Sage.CRM.Wrapper.IeWareRecord)mi.Invoke(rec, new object[] { });

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