Is there a way to run communication/activity reports for particular Groups?

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    When you say groups, do you mean a user created group?

    If so, you could try this: -

    Select DDCat_Name,Comp_Name,Comm_Subject,DData_Entity

    From ddcategory

    LEFT JOIN DDField on DDFld_CategoryID = DDCat_CategoryID AND DDFld_Deleted IS NULL

    LEFT JOIN DData on DData_FieldID = DDFld_FieldID AND DData_Deleted IS NULL

    LEFT JOIN Company on Comp_CompanyId = DData_EntityID AND Comp_Deleted IS NULL

    RIGHT JOIN Comm_Link on CmLi_Comm_CompanyId = Comp_CompanyId AND CmLi_Deleted IS NULL

    RIGHT JOIN Communication on Comm_CommunicationId = CmLi_Comm_CommunicationId AND Comm_Deleted IS NULL

    where DDCat_Deleted IS NULL

    As your report view, and add the fields you need.

    You can then add the DDCat_Name to the search for the report, and specify the group name to find the related comms.