Office 365

According to this:

It is possible to configure CRM with 365. I've got this to work using a test Exchange system and I like it. I cannot get it to work for a customer. We really need to get CRM working with Office 365. I've had 2 prospective customers deciding between Dynamics and Sage CRM and both have gone to Dynamics because of it's integration with Office and Office 365.

The above article says it can be done. It does work as I've done it unyet it doesn't work for the customer. Why? Each time I try to make a connecttion I get this:

"The Exchange Server connection could not be saved as the Sync Engine was unable to contact the Exchange Web Service. RTFM"

Ok, the RTFM bit isn't quite true but it may as well be. The weird thing is that if I put the EWS address into IE and press enter I get prompted for a user name and password. If I type them in I get redirected to the WSDL file and it looks just fine.

The annoying thing is that the article goes on about ApplicationImpersonation being an issue. On my demo system I have not got ApplicationImpersonation enabled unyet everything works just fine.

I'm aware that it isn't officially supported but waiting until the next version of CRM comes out before support is officially rolled out means we're losing customers