webservice api with java


I'm new to sage crm (also webservices) and I would like to use sage crm's webservice api (the localhost/crm/eware.dll/webservice/webservice.wsdl file). I followed the steps in the tutorial video that I have downloaded from here (DP13 Sage CRM v7.1 SOAP WebServices API). I managed to create the same application that is shown in the video, which is written in Visual Studio. Using "Add web reference" created the classes from the wsdl and it was easy to use. I would like to do the same application in java (android). To create java classes from the wsdl file I used xjc, but the it doesn't create the "Webservice" class. I tried some other tools (e.g. axis2 for eclipse) to see if I can get the same result as we got in Visual Studio. None of them worked. So have you tried to write the same application in java? Is there an easy way to get the same classes as we get in Visual Studio to use it the same/similar way? Or shall I use ksoap2 for android to call wsdl functions? Any ideas?

Thank you in advance,
