How to look up data into a field by select Search Select Advanced ?

Hello everyone ! Could everyone tell me how to look up data into a field after we select a data in Search Select Advanced field ?

e.g: i have created a field name case_personmail. and i have another Search Select Advanced for person field. whenever i select any data in this field, case_personmail should automatically fill in person mail .

how should i do for this case ? so please give me suggestion or a way to do .

Best Regards,


  • 0
    What I understand from your above post is that you have two Search Select Advanced fields one for selecting person and other is for selecting that person email. I doubt this would be achieved by creating 2 different SSA as mentioned below. Well, here what you can try is create a Text field to show the email address of the person and on change of the SSA, auto fill an email address in the Text field.
    Hope this helps!

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    Hi Greytrix

    Sorry for my question that can't make you understand on it. What i want is just same to what you suggest me. I have one SSA field for select person and one Text field for person mail, but i don't know how to get person's mail address put into the Text field when user select a person in SSA field. This two fields are on care entry screen. Could you tell me how ?

    Best Regards,


  • 0
    To achieve the required functionality, you need do some client side scripting. This script will run as soon as the Case Person is selected. Script will read person id and will search for the email of that particular person. You can send an AJAX request to get the email address which will return you an email address of the person. Once response is received, you just need to set the same into the Email text box.
    For more details it would be great if you can contact me off the loop at [email protected]
    Hope this helps!