Move an E-Mail In or Out from one Case to another


our customer is using EMailManager for filing mails and create cases automatically. Now he asks why he cannot link a email in or out to another case if the case already exists and the customer has only forgotten to press replay and have the case refid in the subject.

We agree that this request should be a standard functionality.

So the question is, could this task only be solved by a customization like adding a tls for changing the caseid inside the communication?



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    If you are wanting to change the case the communication is linked to then you will have to do some type of customisation to link the communication to another case ID.

    If an email is sent and contains the ref number any where in the subject I.E. 1-10093 then as long as the E-mail Management Server Options for creating the cases and filing the email is set to "Track Case" for the "Default Ruleset Action" then it will not create a new case but put the email against the case. So you do not have to reply to the email just have the full ref number in the subject.

    But I do think that it would be a good idea that if needed you could move emails just like a normal communication via the regarding area just like you do on the Task or Appointment communications.

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    Hi Chris, thats what the Ruleset Action is doing.

    But i have resolved the issue much easier. I have just added the About Field inside the Communication Options. Thats all.

    Thank you anyway