Adding Notes To Inbound (or Outbound) Email Saved Via Outlook Integration

I'm wondering if anyone has either created a work-around solution or has a better method for the following:

We have several clients who use the Outlook integration to save emails as communications. These emails save perfectly and can be seen on Communications and opened.

The problem arises, primarily around inbound email, when you want to find a particular email. When you have several hundred communications against an account, finding emails is becoming increasingly problematical for the clients as they have to go into each email to see if it is the one they require. This is particularly the case where you may have several emails in a conversation thread with a client, all of which have the same subject line.

For example, you may have emails discussing a quote, all of which contain pertinent information and so require saving, but only one email contains required technical specifications.

The clients have asked if there is any way to be able to store a note against the inbound communication. To an extent outbound communications suffer the same issue, but as the client has more control over the subject line of the email, they can mitigate this to a degree.

Using the Outlook plugin there is no option to store any form of note when saving an email. To work-around this the clients are having to use Doc. Drop instead, which while working effectively makes using the Outlook integration meaningless, and also increases the amount of time taken. It additionally adds an element of risk as the client has to remember to Doc Drop the email, instead of simply being able to go to Save and type in a quick note.

Other than using Document Drop, has anyone come across a way of storing notes against these communications that does not significantly increase the time taken for the action?

All current versions affected.

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    Unless I am missing something, you may be over thinking this.

    #1 You can use the standard Find -> Communications to search the contents of the Subject or Details field on a synced email.

    #2 You can update the Outlook email filing page to add a note field, if you like, and then add it to the Comm search screen.

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    Hi David,

    Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately the client is running Office2010 so the latter option is not possible. In regards to the former, there could be say 20 emails on a single topic between client and end-customer. Only one of thse may have specific text that the client is searching for, not so much as a searchable phrase.

    For example, out of those twenty emails, one may mention terms or bespoke requirements. The client needs to store all the mails, yet flag one email to say that this contains certain elements.

    For one of our affected clients they are talking upwards of three hundred emails received and stored many of which would have the same search terms applicable, but only a handful be required.

    I suspect given the removal of the additional template options with Office2010, there is no standard way of 'flagging' certain emails.
