Scripting customisations


We have made a number of customisations to a Test CRM system (adding some entities, fields, tabs, screens etc). We now wish to apply these customisations to the live system. Is there any way of doing this without having to go through and manually create all the customisations again from scratch?



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    Hi Kurren,
    The changes which we make to CRM gets recorded into a Component, which you can find in Administration | Customizations | Component Manager
    Here ‘Changed Component’ is the default component of the CRM. Here all the changes which you have made to your CRM are recorded or into a component which you have created.
    Script this component and make an upload. To make an upload of the component you need to create .es and .ecf files. Copy these files in "C:\Program Files\Sage\CRM\\inf" folder. Then, install this component to your production system. This will reflect all the changes to your production system.
    You can refer ‘System Administrator Guide’ for more details about component manager.

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    Hi Dinesh

    When I add fields, tabs and screens the component manager still comes back with "No Components found in Inf directory"

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    Hi Kurren,
    First you need to check that component is there in your CRM. For this follow the steps given below,

    1. Login to you CRM

    2. Go to Administration | Customization | Component Manager

    3. Click on Component Details tab.

    Here, you will find list of components in Existing Components panel. Changed Component is the default component of CRM. If this component is present in the list, then you need to script this component which will generate .es and .ecf files.
    To generate the script follow steps given below,

    1. Go to Administration | Customization | Component Manager

    2. Click on Component Details tab.

    3. Select your component e.g. Changed Component

    4. Click on Script Component

    5. Enter file name and description.

    6. Click on Script Component. This will display path and names of files.

    7. Click Continue.

    8. This will generate the script of component which you have selected. You can find .es and .ecf files in INF folder.

    Before moving ahead you have to select both the files i.e. es and .ecf created through above process and convert it into a Zip file. Now, For installing the component follow the steps as mentioned below.

    1. Go to Administration | Customization | Component Manager

    2. Click on Browse button in Add Component Panel

    3. Select .es and .ecf files from INF folder.

    4. Click on Upload New Component. This will upload selected component and same you will find in Available Components Panel.

    5. Select this component and click on Install Component.

    If you don’t find component in Existing Components panel, then you need to create a new component. To create new component follow the steps given below,

    1. Go to Administration | Customization | Component Manager

    2. Click on New button

    3. Enter name and description of the component and save. This will create new component.

    After creating new component start recording of all the changes you need in your CRM. Once you have done all the changes, you can script and install component as explained above.
    Hope this helps!