Custom Entity Link from Communications Regarding field

Sage CRM v7.0.d.2
Custom entity called Service created using the Advanced Customization Wizard
Customization is done using .net, service.dll has a RunDataPage method
The Service entity has communications
The comm_serviceid field is a Search Select Advanced field that works
Find Service is available in the Regarding field on the communiations screen
When you try to navigate to the linked service you get 404-Page or Directory Not Found
In view source the hyperlink is to \crm\opportunity\opportunitysummary.asp
Creating an opportunitysummary.asp file to display Hello World gets a 500-Internal Server Error

Any thoughts on linking to custom entity from the communications Regarding field?

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    Hi John,
    From you above post we understand that you have regarding field in Communication that relates the data from Service entity. Also when you try to navigate to the Service entity you are getting an error message Page Not Found. Here I assume that you are getting this message when you clicked on the service hyperlink of the regarding field of communication. If so, you need to create an ASP page and write a logic to display the summary of that entity. Also asp page name should be in the below format.
    <<Custom Entity Name>>Summary.asp
    Here in your case, it would be ServiceSummary.asp
    Also you need to keep this page under the folder whose name is same as that of your custom entity name.
    Hope this helps!

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    Thanks Dinesh.

    It ends up that it was something simple. I had to change the include statement to get the accpaccrm.js file from the parent directory. So now Hello World works.

    Is there any reason I shouldn't just do a redirect to the .net service summary screen?
