Create List with Filter based on a custom View

My goal is to display a simple list with a filter inside a corporate rider, which is based on a View (Secondary entity) and linked via a custom key to a company's (comp_customkey / sec_customkey).
My first attempt, I started a class of type List Page. Here I am, however, encountered two problems that I could not solve or only indirectly:
1. The List Page needs to be displayed in the entity a key field which is based on the primary entity (eg comp_companyid). This might be necessary to deal with the fact that I expand the view accordingly. However, since it is within a linked database, which would make the entire adjustment somewhat inflexible.
2. The List Page always generates a "New" button, as long as the user has the rights to the entity. As on the list but no records are to be produced, but at the same permissions can not be changed, this button would appear over and can only be removed through additional javascripts.

Therefore, the second attempt:
A new class of type Web. This is the list exactly the way back, as it is needed. However, I have problems at this point correctly display the Filter field and to associate with the list. Is this option possible?

Thank you in advance.