Find company address when Company has multiple address records - only works with Default address.

  • Client has many companies that have multiple address records.
  • When they do a find they need to be able to find any and all of these addresses.
  • At the moment the find will only locate the addresses that have been marked as "Default".
  • How can we get the system to be able to search all of the company address records.
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    Thanks - is it possible to point me in the right direction so that I can investigate and implement.

    much appreciated.

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    Hi Ian,

    In the past, when a client has asked this, we have created a new search to handle this, which is focused on the address, and joins to the company.

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    First thing we did was write a view, which would return all the addresses, when a company name was searched, or the address, if a post code was searched etc.

    Something like: -

    SELECT DISTINCT(addr_addressId),addr_address1,addr_postcode,comp_name
    FROM Address
    INNER JOIN Address_link on AdLi_AddressId = addr_addressId AND adli_deleted IS NULL
    INNER JOIN Company on AdLi_CompanyID = Comp_CompanyId AND comp_deleted IS NULL
    WHERE addr_deleted IS NULL

    Then, we created the screen and associated list, and added this as a find option, on the find menu.