HyperLink Field To .NET

How can i hyperlink field to run dll?????????
like the Client Value field hyperlink it to dll

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    function setHyperLinkUnit()


    // to see if on view mode

    if (!document.getElementById('case_unitid'))


    var hostname = window.location.host;

    var unit = document.getElementById('_Datacase_unitid');

    var unitid = document.getElementById('_HIDDENcase_unitid');

    var unitname = document.getElementById('_HIDDENcase_unitidTEXT');

    if (unitid != undefined)


    var strFileName = "unitsummary.asp";

    var strPath = document.URL;

    var arrayApp = strPath.split("eware.dll");

    var arrayContext = strPath.split("?");

    var strAppPath = arrayApp[0];

    var strContextInfo = arrayContext[1];

    var strURL = strAppPath + "custompages/unit/"+strFileName+"?Unit_unitid=" + unitid.value + "&" + strContextInfo +


    var strCaptionText = unitname.value;

    strFullCaption = ""+strCaptionText+"";

    unit.innerHTML = strFullCaption;


