How to assign DataPage to Summary tab in SDK (ASP.API) and make it active after entity selection.


I am trying to assign my EntityDataPage to Summary tab. At the moment Summary tab points to the EntityDataPage method within DLL file. When i select a specific item from a list of items then ill get my EntitiyDataPage from my dll file which holds details about the selected record but Summary tab is not highlighted.

I tried this.GetTabs("Aircraft", "Summary"); but that resulted in double tab bar.

Please see the difference between the links below :

1. AFTER CLICKING ON SUMMARY TAB : cbs-dev-srv2/.../Do


Can you please provide suggestions? Thank you.

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    Hi Michal,

    In reference to your post, It seems that when you redirect from List page to Summary page, Summary Tab is not getting highlighted. On comparing URLs you provided in your post I found that parameter for e.g. T=AirCraft is missing in List page URL. I would suggest you to add missing parameters in list page url and check.

    Hope this helps!


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    I dont know what t stands for but i assume that's the name of my entity. Below is the code of my list page.

    + in order to select an item in my list you have to click on entity name and that link will bring you straight to my dataPage by calling RunAircraftDataPage(ref Web AretVal) method from my dll file (done within sage crm). Where can i add this missing parameter to my link?

    This is my code :

    public myAircraftList()

    : base("Aircraft", "AircraftGrid", "AircraftFilterBox")


    int iDomKey = Keys[(int)Sage.KeyList.DominantKey];

    switch (iDomKey)


    case 1:

    FilterByField = "air_companyid";

    FilterByContextId = (int)Sage.KeyList.CompanyId;


    case 2:

    FilterByField = "air_personid";

    FilterByContextId = (int)Sage.KeyList.PersonId;


    case 4:

    FilterByField = "air_assigneduserid";

    FilterByContextId = (int)Sage.KeyList.UserId;


    case 5:

    FilterByField = "air_channelid";

    FilterByContextId = (int)Sage.KeyList.ChannelId;



    FilterByField = "air_assigneduserid";

    FilterByContextId = (int)Sage.KeyList.UserId;



    AddUrlButton("Create New Group", "New.gif", UrlDotNet(ThisDotNetDll, "RunAircraftNewPage"));

    string strHelp = "/Main Menu/wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/html/wwhelp.htm?href=GStarted18.html";


    /* *************

    * Other objects available include:


    * FilterScreen

    * ResultsGrid



  • 0

    Hello Michal,

    What I understand from your above post is that you want to add “URL” to hyperlink column. The” base()” method loads list page and filter screen. So now in order to change the “URL” of particular Column, follow below mentioned suggestions

    1. Create .js file

    2. Call the above created file in the custom content of required ListPage Screen.

    3. Get the object of the List Page.

    4. Using loop get the” innerhtml” of the required hyperlink column.

    5. Then get its “URL”.

    6. Add the missing parameter.

    7. Finally, assign this url to above hyperlink.

    Hope it helps!

