Stored Proc Created Communications not syncing to Exchange

I have a stored procedure that gets called by a workflow escalation rule. If this is fired it creates a ToDo task. This all works perfectly. My issue is these tasks are not syncing to Exchange.

My stored procedure is below. Any help is appreciated.

DECLARE @salespersonid int
DECLARE @opportunityid int
DECLARE @companyid int
DECLARE @taskduedate datetime
DECLARE @nextcommid int
DECLARE @nextcmliid int
DECLARE @reference nvarchar(20)
DECLARE @secterr int

SET @opportunityid = (select orde_opportunityid from orders with(nolock) where orde_orderquoteid = @id_no)
SET @salespersonid = (select oppo_assigneduserid from opportunity with(nolock) where oppo_opportunityid = @opportunityid)
SET @companyid = (select oppo_primarycompanyid from opportunity with(nolock) where oppo_opportunityid = @opportunityid)
@secterr = (SELECT comp_secterr from company with (nolock) where comp_companyid = @companyid)
SET @taskduedate = DateAdd(day, 7,