CTI problem with formatting country code


We have made an upgrade from Sage CRM version 7.0d to 7.2b and we have a problem with the way the country code are formatted. In the CRM we use the + before the country code (+41, +33, ...) and not the 00 + country code (0041, 0033). Now when we dial the number the + sign is missing, and the dialed number is invalid. Looking at the source code of the page we have:

<A HREF="#" ONCLICK="javascript:if(SageCRM.wsCTI.showCti()){window.setTimeout(function(){SageCRM.wsCTI.dialOut('41 555507400');},500);}">+41 555507400</A>

Why the CRM does not transform the + to 00? Or simply keep it? Is there a way to change this behavior?

Best regards