Using T-SQL functions in <fieldlist> element of web service XML


How can I use the T-SQL function for example ISNULL() in a <fieldlist> tag of a web service XML (using Sage CRM 7.1)?

When I execute the following request in a fiddler:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">" xmlns:xsd="">" xmlns:xsi="">">
<SessionHeader xmlns="">">
<queryrecord xmlns="">">
<fieldlist>lead_leadid, lead_description, isnull(lead_personphonenumber,'') as ppno</fieldlist>
<orderby />

It returns:

         <faultstring>Query failed to run successfully.</faultstring>

However when I remove the ISNULL() function the call executes and returns the result successfully.