Self Service : is it compatible with any browser ?


We are using Sage CRM i7.5 (which is the French 7.1.h) and are facing a compatibility issue with Internet Explorer METRO mode.

It seems that Internet Explorer in METRO mode is not yet supported:

File : MC_Global.js (line 261):

//CC75 Pas de compatibilité METRO

if (MC_navigator.code=="IE" && Number(MC_navigator.version.replace(/\./g,"0"))>=1000 && == -1) MC_badbrowser("Veuillez relancer IE depuis le bureau et non en mode Windows 8");

In addition to that there's a redirection to Sage website when browser is found as "not in the whitelist".

File : MC_first.js (line 303):

//-----------------(Ajout fonction renvoi message incompatibilité navigateur + sortie du CRM)

function MC_badbrowser(message) {

if (typeof(MC_translate[message])!="undefined") message=MC_translate[message];

alert(message.replace("[VERSIONMINI]", MC_navigator.versionmini).replace("[NAME]","[VERSION]",MC_navigator.version));

location.href = "";


I could not find any recommendation concerning Browser compatibility, so I'd like to know if we can have more information about this (maybe is it ok in later versions ?)

Can we edit those MC_First.js and/or MC_Global.js files to change that behaviour ?

Please share your experience as there is very little documentation about that...