Sage CRM C# .net Pre-populate field/s on the server side


I am trying to prepopulate some fields in my screen as follows: (the result of this is an empty screen with label "NoQuery")

Record recTrackingExistingCompanyValues = new Record("ProspectTracking");
recTrackingExistingCompanyValues.SetField("ptr_what_version", "123");

EntryGroup screenTracking = new EntryGroup("screenProspectTrackingEntry");
screenTracking.Title = Metadata.GetTranslation("tabnames", "Tracking");

HTMLString htmlMessage = new HTMLString();
htmlMessage.Html = screenTracking.GetHtmlInEditMode(recTrackingExistingCompanyValues);
content.Inner = htmlMessage;

PS : I also tried using entity object but this resulted in the same error ouput.

Any comments or suggestion are welcome. Thank you.