Another solution to failing tomcat service Error Code 0

One of our Customers got an error when starting the tomcat service, CRM 7.2d:

Fehlercode 0 / Error code 0, the tomcat commons-daemon.log showed "[error] Failed creating java"

I checked the registry at

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\CRMTomcat7\Parameters\Java

The Key "Jvm" was set to "auto".

I changed the Value to the path of the jvm.dll provided with the CRM installation, in my case "D:\Sage\Services\JRE\jre7\bin\client\jvm.dll".

After saving changes, the tomcat Service was starting again.
I still have no clue, why the service stopped working at the beginning.

Hope this helps.

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    Hi Oliver,

    Thanks for posting the fix. You might be able to figure out what happened by examining \CRM\tomcat\bin\service.bat. This batch file is responsible for installing the service.

    I suspect what happened was that there was a JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME environment variable already defined on the server. This would be fine, except that the path used didn't reference the correct location in the Java runtime directory. This would need some level of testing, but I'm guessing that either JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME was set to a bad directory, or JRE_HOME existed without JAVA_HOME. As a result of some error here, the batch file set the Jvm key to auto, rather than stop the installer.

    Hope this helps,
