Escalation records not created from Self Service causing escalation rules notifications not being sent !


we have setup a Self Service.

any case created from there is created in the CRM, and the Case is linked with the Case Workflow.

But I can find two issues :

1) the tracking tab does not show the Creation line (there is no CaseProgress record when the case is created

2) the escalation record is not created even though SLAid + SLAseverity and SLA_Closeby + SLA_AmberCloseBy are correctely filled with the appropriate values.

The version we are currently using is French 7.72 which corresponds to version 7.1.m.

If there is no answer to that issues, could I recreate my escalation rules directly on the Cases table instead of using the Case Escalation Views ? Do you think it could lead to performance issues or other problems ?

Thanks for your help.

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    Is your escalation rule showing a notification on screen or sending an email?

    the only problem with using the cases table directly is that you will need to use a field on the cases table, eg case_notifytime to control the dismissal of the escalation. And this can cause a conflict if you wanted to add more than one escalation rule to the table. E.g if you wanted to have one rule to notify you when a case is assigned to you and another rule that notified you when a high value case is created. The same case might satisfy both rules giving you two notifications, but if they are both running directly off the cases table using the case_notifytime then when you dismiss or snooze one of the notifications then the other one would go too. If you only have one escalation rule on the cases table then should be no problem to use the cases table directly.

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    Thanks for your answer Alison.

    We have already fixed the second issue by using cases table directly + a dedicated field named case_creation_notification_done (checkbox) that is updated when the creation notification is sent, preventing the escalation rule to send it more than once.

    We apply then the same logic to all other notifications and everything is fine now.

    Anyway the first issue is still pending.

    There is no creation record in the Tracking tab (no entry in the table CaseProgress) . the first line we have is inserted after some user clic on the first rule available on the workflow.