Required fields for one user

Good afternoon,

I'm having a little problem. I want to make a birthdate field (in Person entity) non-required for one user (for the rest of users I want it to be still required). I have done this:

As you can see, for all users ("Todos los usuarios"), is Required ("Obligatorio"), but for the three users below (t****, V***** and V*****) is not required.

When I go to a person, and I want to modify it, it still looks as required. I've got to say that I'm one of the three "special" users.

In birthdate I've got a validation script that checks that birth date is not newer than today nor older than year 1900 that looks like this:

I also tried to make it non-required using a create script but it doesn't work.

What can I do?

My CRM version is 7.1.h.1.

Thanks in advance

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    I have not tested this, this is just me wondering....

    You have 'Everyone' set to be required, I wonder if this is over-riding the 3 users you have added to it to say it need not be mandatory for them.

    Could you try adding in the teams into the permissions, and making 'everyone' allowed to edit it, then make it mandatory for all the teams and see if that works?

    Alternatively, you could do via code on the screen, it is just not a neat to manage.

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    I have solved it finally. I made a Create Script that makes only for the user that I want the field non-required. In the way I was doing it it seems that "everyone" overrides each single user.

    Thank you!