
I am just trying to create a new communication for an existing Sage ERP customer but I keep getting the message that I do not have a valid value in the "About:" box. WHat is it looking for here? It will not let me enter anything. I tried to select Order from the drop-down box, as I thought I could use Order number as a reference, but it says there are no orders for this customer. But that is not true, although the customer may not have any open orders at this time, they have plenty of completed ones. I also tried to use Invoice number. Is this the field that I will be able to search off of? What am I doing wrong? It will not let me save the communication without this.

And what is the difference between Task and Appointment as it relates to Communications? Do they both become searchable communications?

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    You don't say with which ERP system you are integrated.

    The About: box has got me scratching my head. I am not using an integrated system and in mine (I am using the UK English translations) it says "Regarding:". Can I just check that this is the field that appears on the Communication screen just under the Company. I am using 7.3 so the interface will be different from yours.

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    The orders table on CRM does not store the ERP Order data hence the about box in this case cant find any orders, in order for the about box to display ERP order against which you want to file communications, you would need to create a table and set it for linkage with the existing about box.

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    Indeed, the US version has that field labeled as "about." It appears the localization team got a little carried away as "regarding" is a much clearer indication of what the field intends IMHO.