Sage CRM 7.3 .NET API not working properly. The fill method for an object of type EntryGroup not working.


I have a piece of code for Sage CRM 7.3 SP1 which doesn't preserve data after post-back when CRM validation fails.

Based on my analysis, I was able to retrieve data from the initialized entity after the fill method is applied but the method seems to pre-populate the entity rather than the screen itself.

This algorithm works for Sage CRM 7.2 but it doesn't work for 7.3

Could anyone help please?

public override void BuildContents()
// instantiate a member class
Member member = new Member();

// add HTML form

// instantiate a HTML form and pass a form name to its constructor
EntryGroup egBoard = new EntryGroup("BoardNewEntry");
// assign a title to the HTML form. Retrieve the title from CRM translations
egBoard.Title = Metadata.GetTranslation("tabnames", "Board");

// get the mode value from a hidden textbox which allows value preservation across postbacks
string hMode = Dispatch.ContentField("HiddenMode");

// if the mode is set to 'Save'
if (hMode == "Save")
// if all user input is valid for the form
if (egBoard.Validate())

// do something

else // if the user input is invalid
// redraw the screen
else // if the mode is set to nothing
// add an empty textbox with a name
AddContent(HTML.InputHidden("HiddenMode", ""));

// instantiate a HTML container/DIV
VerticalPanel vpMain = new VerticalPanel();
// set the width
vpMain.AddAttribute("width", "100%");
// make the form editable
// add the HTML form

// display the container

// add button/s
catch (Exception error)

// methods
private void AddButtons()
// to do : T header mode is inconsistent
string strPreviousPageURL = Url("Board/BoardFind.asp");
string strSaveURL = "javascript:document.EntryForm.HiddenMode.value='Save';";

AddSubmitButton("Save", "Save.gif", strSaveURL);
AddUrlButton("Cancel", "Cancel.gif", strPreviousPageURL);

private void RedrawEditMode(EntryGroup screen)
// add an empty textbox with a name
AddContent(HTML.InputHidden("HiddenMode", ""));

// instantiate a placeholder for values
Entity eBoard = new Entity("Board");

// fill the form with the retrieved record

// make the form editable and display it

// add buttons

Any comments or suggestions are welcome. Thanks.