Mail Chimp multiple accounts - because of a multiple "from" address

Hi there

I've found a number of businesses who operate multiple mail chimp accounts. The driving reason for this is that they operate multiple businesses and have 1 per business.

Does anyone know whether you can pass a "from" address from Sage CRM to Mail Chimp? And if you can - will/can Mail Chimp use this rather than some inbuilt address.

So if I worked for Acme could I operate a single mailchimp account but send email as from "" and "" according to whether my Sage CRM group was "US Contacts" or "European Contacts" (where "[email protected]" was passed as a from address value to MailChimp)

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    It appears after some further testing that this is a manual field called "From Email Address" keyed in to Sage CRM via "MailChimp Campaigns" > New.

    This passed to MailChimp and a further "from" address is available there. So it's reliant on the user typing in the right address but it's flexible enough to cope with sending campaigns on behalf of multiple business units or brand names.

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    You might find that Mailchimp won't actually let you send as a from account unless the domain is within the same domain as the registered account. Otherwise you could send mailchimp campaigns as [email protected] without any validation of the domain.