Escalation Rule Help

Hi all,

I'm relatively new to the CRM family so please bare with me. I have been tasked with being the main administrator of my companies Sage 200 integrated CRM. 99% of tasks i can complete however there are a few I require assistance with, this being the first one.

I am trying to write an escalation rule to show a notification on screen that a tender (opportunity) deadline is approaching. This is what i have so far:

oppo_assigneduserid=#U and datediff(d,getdate(),oppo_tenderdeadline) in (0,1,2,3,4,5) and (oppo_status = 'In Progress') OR (oppo_stage <> 'Tender Sent') and ((Escl_EscalationId is NULL ) and Escl_Datetime

In the notifications bar the following shows up: Unexpected event running Escalation Rule (Tender Deadline Approaching): 10194
WkRl_WhereClause: oppo_assigneduserid=#U and datediff(d,getdate(),oppo_tenderdeadline) in (0,1,2,3,4,5) and (oppo_status = 'In Progress') OR (oppo_stage <> 'Tender Sent') and ((Escl_EscalationId is NULL ) and Escl_Datetime
SQL Error

Any help/advice on the above error would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

(sage version 7.3)

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    Have you checked the SQL log around the time you received this error? This will likely explain what the problem might be at the time the escalation rule tried to fire. The fields in your SQL clause look to be OK, it might be complaining abut the DATEDIFF function.



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    Hi Ben,

    Thanks for the reply. I found the following in the SQL log that seemed to relate to the rule in question;

    May 12 2016 13:10:01.491 14660 9968 3 execsql,time,sql 0 UPDATE WorkflowRules SET WkRl_Table=N'Opportunity',WkRl_Caption=N'Tender Deadline Approaching',WkRl_Cloneable=NULL,WkRl_Enabled=N'Y',WkRl_Image=NULL,WkRl_Channel=11,WkRl_Order=NULL,WkRl_RunInterval=NULL,WkRl_DotNet=NULL,WkRl_CustomFile=NULL,WkRl_CustomFunction=NULL,WkRl_WhereClause=N'oppo_assigneduserid=#U and datediff(d,getdate(),oppo_tenderdeadline) in (0,1,2,3,4,5) and (oppo_status = ''In Progress'') OR (oppo_stage <> ''Tender Sent'') and ((Escl_EscalationId is NULL ) and Escl_Datetime

    May 12 2016 13:10:01.506 14660 9968 3 fselectsql,time,sql 0 Select Capt_CaptionId from Custom_Captions WITH (NOLOCK) where Capt_Family = N'WorkflowRule' AND Capt_Code = N'Tender Deadline Approaching'

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    That doesn't really give any error as such, it looks to be a log entry to the SQL log when full logging is turned on. Try deleting the old log files, switch SQL log to Errors Only, and then retry the escalation rule. When this fails, it should write to the SQL log with an error, and that hopefully will give more detail.

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    Try taking out this highlighted bracket.

    oppo_assigneduserid=#U and datediff(d,getdate(),oppo_tenderdeadline) in (0,1,2,3,4,5) and (oppo_status = 'In Progress') OR (oppo_stage <> 'Tender Sent') and ((Escl_EscalationId is NULL ) and Escl_Datetime

    If you copy the query into SSMS (and replace the #Us and #Ts with some dummy values) you'll see that there's a syntax error.

    I think the bracketing in general is a little confused too - perhaps something like this would work better? (it depends what you had in mind)

    AND DATEDIFF(d,GETDATE(),oppo_tenderdeadline) IN (0,1,2,3,4,5)
    AND ((oppo_status = 'In Progress') OR (oppo_stage <> 'Tender Sent'))
    AND Escl_EscalationId IS NULL
    AND Escl_Datetime
    AND Escl_UserId=#U