One opportunity but shipments/deliveries over time

Hi. When selling to a large customer, a single opportunity can have actual sales phased over time. So, even if an opportunity is closed by a certain date, revenue recognition might occur over the course of a year.

How can I handle that in Sage? I don;t want to create a separate opportunity for each potential shipping date and quantity/sales amount.



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    Are you integrating with a Sage BMS (e.g. Sage 300 or Sage 200)?

    The accounting system may have very particular requirement on how quotes and order related to the shipment.

    From a Sage CRM perspective you need to consider workflow and tracking - are you wanting to workflow the individual phased deliveries?

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    Thank you for your reply…

    We do not integrate with anything. Just using the Cloud version. All I am trying to accomplish is effect the timing of revenue in a pipeline report so it is more accurate. So… the example: A large customer wants to buy 100 units of a product for $1,000 each. If they do, the revenue would be 25 units ($25,000) per quarter. Then order has a confidence level of 80%. Therefore, I want the pipeline report to reflect $20,000 in each of the next 4 quarters.

    Does that make sense? It isn’t 4 opportunities, it is one opportunity and 4 different timings.
