USE eWare.FindRecord but it works only after save and change

Hello, I'm French so my English is not very good.
I created society views pointing to a base of business management.
On a "Logiciel entity" when I enter the serial number I want to return invoice number. " With the following on "MC_client_ script... "it works but only after the record is saved and click on change." In short, to change there he load value and returns the result. But in the field change it not work, help please!

case "LOGICIELS_LOGI_T01_B01":

sAlert =eWare.FindRecord('company,vXcompany_ERPproduit ',"comp_CompanyId="+Values('logi_companyid')+" and do_piece='"+Values('logi_description')+"'");
// var str="test alerte :";
// str += sAlert.LS_NoSerie ;
// MC_return+="alert('"+str+"');";
MC_AUTO_affectvalues("logi_numfacture", sAlert.LS_NoSerie)

I guess I have to try with "MC_AUTO_onchange" but it doesn't work =>

MC_AUTO_onchange('logi_description',"affectvalues("logi_numfacture", sAlert.LS_NoSerie);",false) or

MC_AUTO_onchange('logi_description',"MC_AUTO_affectvalues("logi_numfacture", sAlert.LS_NoSerie);",false)

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    Hello lmettez

    Are you working with Sage 100 CRM i7?

    Files such as MC_Client_NomdeInstallation.JS are not standard. They do not appear in the default installation. I believe these are files that are specific to this integration.

    I think you will need to contact your local support team.


    Bonjour lmettez

    Travaillez-vous avec Sage 100 CRM i7?

    Des fichiers tels que MC_Client_NomdeInstallation.JS ne sont pas standard. Ils ne figurent pas dans l'installation par défaut. Je crois que ce sont des fichiers qui sont spécifiques à cette intégration.

    Je pense que vous devez communiquer avec votre équipe de support local.

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    I would like to help more.

    Most of the people on this forum do not know the details of the files of Sage 100 CRM i7. I suggest that you create a new post on the forum and include Sage 100 CRM i7 in the title. That will catch the attention of people who work with the integration.

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    Hello, yes I'm working with Sage 100 CRM i7

    But I was thinking that my script was standard. I don't found any help on the french forum and I'm not ready to pay. If you want to be help with my local support team french sage, you have to pay any script even if it's only 5 lines.

    Whatever Thank's for your help

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    Thank you first to reply so fastly and I would like you to know that your post are very interesting.

    Ok I'm doing that way.

    Thank you.