Opportunity screen search

We have a search screen that searches opportunities and lists them based on matches from the search. We have phone1 and phone2 in the opportunity table. We have search boxes in this screen that can search for phone1 and a search box for phone 2 separately and the find button. How can we add a search box that will search phone1 and phone2 at the same time in one single search box?

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    The Keyword Search facility comes very close to this behaviour.

    See below

    The views on which the keyword search is based can be changed to include the fields you are most interested in.


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    Another way which works quite well for us would be to add a new derived field to the relevant Search View.

    For Example: coalesce(nullif(phone1, ''), nullif(phone2, '')) as xxxx_c_dummyfield

    This derived column will contain Phone1 or, if Phone1 is an empty string or null, it will contain Phone2.

    Once you have amended the view, refresh the meta data, then go to the Search Screen and the derived field will be available to add as a search field.

    You could then use inline translations to add a caption for this derived field etc.....

    If the Phone fields could have different values, you could concatenate both values into the derived field, then use a wildcard search on the search screen.

    Hope this helps.