Communications from Person entity not showing in associated Company

I am having a problem with the communications not showing in parent entities. If i create a communication for the Person it shows fine in the person entity but is not showing up on the company page. The same is happening with Opportunities, communications created here are not sowing in person or company. This used to work fine, but I am not sure where to check now.


Version: Sage 7.3

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    The problem could be as simple as the filters used on the Communication List.

    You need to check the SQL log to see the actual SQL that is passed when accessing the CommunicationList under the context of Person and Company.

    The link from the Communication record to the person and the company is made through the comm_link table. See the foreign keys cmli_comm_personid and cmli_comm_companyid.

    These both have to be completed.

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    Thanks for your suggestions Jeff,

    I have investigated the SQL log and had a look at the database tables.

    It seems the cmli_comm_companyid is not updating when the communication is created. The link is created ok and cmli_comm_personid is correct.


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    the cmli_comm_companyid is not updating when the communication is created. The link is created ok and cmli_comm_personid is correct. Any idea how to get the companyid updating again?