An error occurred while running the report

Hello All,

My CRM version is 7.0h, service is windows server 2012 R2, sageCRMTomcat6 service is running, the dashboard is OK.

Now when I export the report to xls, it shows me the error: An error occurred while running the report.

How can I do?

Thank you.

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    You could try increasing the 'Report Query Timeout' and the 'Report Build Timeout' values to something like 2,000 or a bit higher if you want and see if the helps with the report (but also note that Windows 2012 is not supported for your version of CRM)

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    Hi Bultark,

    I tried increasing the 'Timeout' to 10000, but it also can't export excel.

    The sqlLog is writed like that:

    2�� 27 2017 10:56:00.008 3504 2532 5 doEndpointPost URL: localhost/.../createExcelReport

    2�� 27 2017 10:56:00.008 3504 2532 1 CRMOpenThreadTokenWinVista

    2�� 27 2017 10:56:00.008 3504 2532 1 ERROR generating excel file. Message - Error generating report.

    I only export excel success once time, but not the next day. It's strange.