Calling Company Deduplication Screen from custom .net dll

I have a custom .net dll that creates a company record from a person record. I also have a button on the Person Summary screen to call create company In the custom dll.

What I would like to do is to implement company deduplication prior to creating the company record in the CRM database. Is there a way that I can call the standard company deduplication functionality from my dll based on the full name of the newly created person? If an existing company is chosen, its id has to be written back to the newly created person record.

Please can someone advise me.

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    You may be able to get some way along the path of using the system actions. The basic 'New Company with Deduplication' action code is '1200'. Calling a button using Url("1200") will start you down that processes. But you probably want to have already submitted the name to see if there was a company already in existence with that name.

    You will need to investigate the basic New Company page and see what variables are submitted along with the form.

    The form action is the key information
