Escalation rule Opportunity Close Date Approaching reminding a second time

Hello together,

we have a escalation rule, which remindes us, when the date of an oppertunity is approaching. It is shown in the upper field by the bell then. There we have the opinion to Close it or to remind us again.

When somebody closes it by mistake, is there a way to set the escalation rule like "Even if it was closed remind every day till the date is reached"?

The now existing rule is as follows:

oppo_assigneduserid=#U and datediff(d,getdate(),oppo_targetclose) in (0,1,2,3,4,5) and oppo_status = 'In Progress' and ((Escl_EscalationId is NULL ) OR (Escl_WorkflowRuleId <> 10163 ) OR ((Escl_WorkFlowRuleId = 10163 ) and Escl_Datetime

Kind regards


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    See as background:

    Notifications use a view. The view references a record in the escalation table and the opportunity table. The escalation table provides the information about the timing using the escl_datetime field. If the notification is snoozed then the escl_datetime is changed into the future and if the notification is dismissed then the escl_datetime field is set to null.

    Once a notification is dismissed there is no way inside the notification mechanism for the notification mechanism to be reset.

    Within the definition of the escalation rule you can within the Workflow Action 'Show Notification on the Screen' leave the 'column' field blank. This means that the notification can not be dismissed.