Currency field in search causes error in gadget

I created a saved search that has a Currency field. The search works fine in the search screen.

When I add the search to a list gadget, or a Summary gadget, it generates an error. If I remove the Currency field, the gadget is fine.

In the logs, I did find reference to this error:

SELECT oppo_cat as sourceName, count(*) as rowsCount, oppo_cat FROM vSearchListOpportunity WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE oppo_stage = N'IP' AND oppo_status = N'active' AND ((oppo_total / oppo_total_Currency.Curr_Rate) > 50000.0000) GROUP BY oppo_cat {FAILED after 15 msec}
java.sql.SQLException: The multi-part identifier "oppo_total_Currency.Curr_Rate" could not be bound.

Only the oppo_total field was added, so I'm assuming the system converted that to (oppo_total / oppo_total_Currency.Curr_Rate), but the oppo_total_Currency.Curr_Rate field does not exist in the Opportunity table. There is an Oppo_total_CID field.

Client is on CRM 7.3 SP3, with integration to Sage 300 2016.

Not sure how to resolve this error. Is oppo_total_Currency a field, or a function?