LAUNCH SAGE CRM Button not compatible ? Sage 100 2017 5.4.2

We just installed the new version of SAGE CRM 2017 R3. Working with the latest version of Sage 100 2017. We can open the CRM from a browser. But we can not open it with the Launch Sage CRM button that is on the SAGE 100 2017 home bar. That creates a bunch of errors loading the dashboard and program can not load.
After much searching and back and forth with tech support, we have been told that the LAUNCH SAGE CRM button in Sage 100 2017 is NOT COMPATIBLE with the current version of CRM. This is because the Launch button in SAGE 100 uses IE 9.0 which is not compatible with the current version of CRM.

This issue seems to be undocumented, so I wanted to get it out there and save someone else the time trying to figure it out.

Hopefully they get this fixed soon. One of the reasons we were drawn to CRM was the ability to had it load up within the Sage 100 window.

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    Sage Support helped us work around this. No knowledge base article yet. But a small change to the boostrap (Change Browser emulation to 11000 from the 8000 or 9000) file allows the Launch Sage CRM to work from within Sage 2017. They did warn that it can affect other windows from running if you use the Sage Information Center Videos.