Dashboards do not work when accessing Sage CRM from the outside


Just wondering if anyone has run into this issue and have a resolution. The dashboard work fine when you run Sage CRM from within the network. Once you access it from the outside, you get the dreaded "Dashboard is not working. Please contact your system administrator" error.

Can you please point me in the correct direction?

Thank you

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    Hi Prabha

    The thing I find that works is to edit the sData site in IIS. If you edit the URL Rewrite for this site and expand all the rows and edit where it says {HTTP_HOST} with the IP address of the server

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    Depending on version that above isn't always the best answer.

    Enter this Server host file. Test it with a ping to make sure it's working. crm.mybusiness.co.uk

    Where "crm.mybusiness.co.uk" is the URL you are using.

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    KB article ID:27855 from the Sage Knowledgebase.

    Do not change all lines though as the knowledgebase suggests, just the first crmj_rule

    Double click on it and go to the bottom and tehn where it says Rewrite URL change it to localhost:10009/.../{R:1}

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    I'd usually suggest just make the hosts file change, then run "ipconfig /flushdns" so that the change can take effect.

    We've made a few changes in the most recent couple of versions to deal with these sorts of issues - starting from 2017 R3, you should find that the rewrite rules have been updated to use localhost by default, or that we're using the "custom server name" setting from Administration | System | System Behaviour for these kinds of requests.

