Lead Workflow Escalation Rule

I am trying to automatically change the stage of a lead based off the last time the lead was communicated with. I have tested this WHERE clause in SQL directly and it works, but for some reason it wont fire in CRM. Any ideas?

Lead_Status='In Progress'
AND Lead_Stage NOT IN('3Day','7Day','14Day')
AND Lead_CreatedDate > '2017-10-20'
AND DATEDIFF(day, Lead_CreatedDate, GETDATE()) >=3
AND (DATEDIFF(day, Lead_CreatedDate, lead_LastCommDate) >=3 OR lead_LastCommDate IS NULL)
AND Lead_Deleted IS NULL

  • 0

    I am assuming it is not running correctly. I see in the log "RunEscalations,EWAREDLL,3 Day Follow-up,DontDoRule,select * from vWorkflowActions where WkRl_RuleId = 10165 AND Wkac_action = N'Notify'"

    Any idea why this would be? I have the rule enabled as you can see from the first post.

  • 0

    I am assuming it is not running correctly. I see in the log "RunEscalations,EWAREDLL,3 Day Follow-up,DontDoRule,select * from vWorkflowActions where WkRl_RuleId = 10165 AND Wkac_action = N'Notify'"

    Any idea why this would be? I have the rule enabled as you can see from the first post.

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