Inserting Emails from Outside Source - Person Record Exists, No Phone/Email

A customer of mine has their Sage CRM integrated with Sage PRO (retired ERP product in North America). The custom integration for the product creates the Person records, but has not required a Phone or Email value for the record. Therefore there’s no EmailLink or PhoneLink values, and as such no CRMEmailPhoneData values.

What I’m trying to do is use the E-mail value present on the Sage PRO side to update the Person’s email address in Sage CRM, but there is no presence of a link in Sage CRM to do so. We would essentially be shouting into a vacuum using a SQL Update statement.

Is there a way to do an INSERT using the values I have available in PRO to build the necessary Email and EmailLink records, and then run the stored procedure to populate the CRMEmailPhoneData table? I’m thinking there is, but I just can’t seem to work out the process.