No Support for Classic Outlook Integration - 64-Bit?

Why are Sage not supporting integration with Classic Outlook integration when using 64-bit?

More and more organisations are now moving to Office 365 on Windows 10 (64-Bit), with Office 2016.

It seems that many legacy customers of Sage CRM, who are upgrading their internal systems are set to lose what is a vital piece of functionality for them all.

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    Why would you need classic outlook when going to 365? I would assume the best route with 365 would be to use exchange integration and the Outlook Lite plugin?

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    When using Office 365 & Exchange Integration you are only able to download and install the lite plugin. The plugin can be used to file emails directly from a desktop Outlook client just like the classic one.

    The exchange integration/Lite plugin will deal with all of the synchronization automatically when the sync is enabled and set to an interval, these settings can be configured via: Administration -> E-mail and Documents -> Exchange Server Integration -> Synchronisation Management

    What functionality have your legacy customers advised they are losing when moving from the classic to the lite plugin?