Unable to delete Custom Entities in CRM 2018


Need help with deleting custom entities in Sage CRM 2018.

Found the below article which mentions about the way to do it, but I am not seeing that option in the latest CRM.


Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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    That link is about removing custom entities from the Cloud Edition version of the product. This is not relevant to on premise instance of the product. Custom Entities in Sage CRM 2018 are created typically by the Advanced Customization Wizard.

    See: community.sagecrm.com/.../some-thoughts-about-removing-a-component.aspx

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    Hi Jeff,

    Thanks for your response. However, the uninstall option is not showing up. Tried in Edge and Chrome browsers.

    Please see below screenshot.

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    I wasn't expecting that to show up. It is assumed that when you run the Advanced Customization to create a new entity you understand that you are making a permanent change to the database. It is recommended that you back up the database before the wizard is run then if you make a mistake you can restore the database.

    The wizard makes extensive changes to meta data. There is 'undo' for this so the best you can do it work your way through the list changing or deleting the metadata as appropriate. This includes (but may not be limited to...)

    1.Translations that have been added or updated

    2.Workflows that have been added or updated

    3.Reports that have been added or updated

    4.Table level scripts that have been added or updated

    5.Container Block items that have been added or updated

    6.Tab groups that have been added or updated

    7.Fields on screens that have been added or updated

    8.Lists/Grids that have been added or updated

    9.Screen Objects that have been added or updated

    10.Columns that have been added or updated

    11.Views that have been added or updated

    12.Tables that have been added or updated

    13.Database links that have been added or updated