Saving Create new group error on Find Person screen.

Hi, I'm working on an issue where the Create New Group button disappeared from the find person screen.

I have successfully added the button back on the screen.

The button calls a popup window allowing the Group to be named and saved as either dynamic or static. Same as on the Find Company Screen

When I click save nothing happens. When hitting F12 and looking at the code after selecting save I get an error stating Unable to set property 'value' of undefined or null reference on this line

  • s = document.EntryForm.ReportName.value;
  • if (s == '') alert('Missing Group Name');
  • else {
  • window.opener.document.getElementById('_HIDDENReportName').value = s;

I'm not sure how to handle the closing of the pop up and the saving of the search in my custom asp page. How to I define this reference or set it when I click save? This is the code for my button on the asp page:

re = /href/gi;

var groupUrl = eWare.Url(597);
var strCustomGroupButton = eWare.Button("Create New Group", "new.gif", "'"+groupUrl+"','GROUPWIN','scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,top=200, width=600,height=400');");
strCustomGroupButton = strCustomGroupButton.replace(re, "onclick");


  • 0

    But for what user did the Create New Group button disappear?

    Is this all users including the System Administrator? Or is this only for some users? Do they have access to the Groups area within the My CRM menu?

    Is this actually only down to the fact that the user does not have rights over groups?

    And for version is this? Is there any clientside code (in the find screen or in the custom JS folder) that could be hiding the Create New Group button?