New Search Screen Fields

I created a new search screen so a user can search every address, not just the default address. For some reason when I go to maintain the screen definition some of the fields from the list are missing, whatever fields AREN'T part of the entity I created the screen in. So, when I created the screen in Company address fields aren't showing, when I create the screen in the address entity customer fields don't show up. I have tried a number of different view configurations.

Any ideas?

SELECT dbo.vAddressCompany.*, dbo.vCompany.*
FROM dbo.vAddressCompany INNER JOIN
dbo.vCompany ON dbo.vAddressCompany.AdLi_CompanyID = dbo.vCompany.Comp_CompanyId

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    Have you tried joining just the tables rather than trying to join views together? Something like...

    Select c.comp_companyid, c.comp_name, c.comp_mas_customerno, c.comp_primaryuserid, a.addr_addressid, a.addr_address1, a.addr_address2, a.addr_city, a.addr_state, a.addr_postcode from Company as c JOIN Address_Link on c.comp_companyid = adli_companyid JOIN Address as a on adli_addressid = a.addr_addressid

    You can remove the need to list specific fields and just do...

    Select c.*, a.* from Company as c JOIN Address_Link on c.comp_companyid = adli_companyid JOIN Address as a on adli_addressid = a.addr_addressid

    That's not as efficient if you know what fields you're after, but will remove any limitation/restriction of fields available.

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    Changing it to pull from the tables directly didn't change anything...Its very strange, all of the fields are available when i create the list, just not on the search screen.