Auditing CRM record access and modifications



I'm looking for a solution that will help me to provide audit capability of user processing of personal data held in Sage 200 CRM, this is primarily to ensure we can comply with a number of requirements set out in GDPR.

My ideal would be to have an audit log of user activity for the following operations.

  • Viewing a record
  • Editing a record (and what was changed)
  • Deleting a record
  • Merge of Record Data using a Template

I can then build reports based upon Team that can be provided to Team Managers for auditing their own function.

I found a very old Tip here in Sage City that looks like it goes some way to achieving what I want but as I'm not a Sage Developer I am unsure if the method linked below would still work.

Has anybody on here deployed or developed a solution that is easily to replicate, ideally using built in functionality CRM.

We are currently running 2018 R3 self hosted.
