Adding SQL fields to CRM screens

There are some fields that exist in the MS-SQL tables but are not visible on the CEM customization screens. I am trying to add the filed dbo.Company.Comp_UpdateDate to make it visible and searchable in CRM through the company find and grid screens but it is not available to add. Can it be made available? if so how is that done?

  • Hi Peter 

    You should find that the comp_updateddate is available to be added to the Company Find Screen and Grid - whilst you can't modify them, you can use it for searching purposes. 

    You just need to make sure within vSearchListCompany that the field is called upon. 

  • Hi Peter 

    You should find that the comp_updateddate is available to be added to the Company Find Screen and Grid - whilst you can't modify them, you can use it for searching purposes. 

    You just need to make sure within vSearchListCompany that the field is called upon. 

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