Increase File Size Limitation


Can someone advise if there is a way to increase the file upload restriction. You can set it to 10, 20, 30 but no more. I've followed various articles that say you can just add more options in the selection list through through Inline Translation. However this does not seem to have any effect. The file was about 100 Mb.

What happens is that if I attempt upload a file greater than 30 the screen pauses for a short while and the comes back with the message:

<Server Name>

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    I would imagine in Administration --> Customisation --> Translations you can add more to the FileSize caption family. So, if you really want to allow up to 100mb, then add option an option for a caption code of 10240 and a translations for the languages of 100 in each. It looks like the translations increase by adding 1024 for every 10mb, so 100 would be 10240. I don't know if this will work, but it will certainly allow you to add options to the drop down once you have refreshed metadata.

    It pauses probably because it has to load the file into the uploader process to query the size. If it exceeds the size chosen, then it would error. You may need to question why you need to attach such a large file to CRM.

  • 0

    I would imagine in Administration --> Customisation --> Translations you can add more to the FileSize caption family. So, if you really want to allow up to 100mb, then add option an option for a caption code of 10240 and a translations for the languages of 100 in each. It looks like the translations increase by adding 1024 for every 10mb, so 100 would be 10240. I don't know if this will work, but it will certainly allow you to add options to the drop down once you have refreshed metadata.

    It pauses probably because it has to load the file into the uploader process to query the size. If it exceeds the size chosen, then it would error. You may need to question why you need to attach such a large file to CRM.
