Error: Permitted number of user licenses exceeded.


Receiving error: Permitted number of user licenses exceeded.


Confirm that you don't have more active users in the Users table, then what you are licensed for. Should you have additional users (more than licensed), don't delete them, rather changes them to resources  (user_resource = TRUE)

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  • in reply to Vega

    Sure if you absolutely require all the users to access the system, then purchase concurrent users. You can also mark certain "users" as resources, like boardrooms, etc, that way you can make appointments (Bookings) with them in the calendar, and other users would be able to see when they are in use or free to book.

    Keep in mind, that concurrent users are usually more expensive then normal licenses, and not all your users will be able to access the system at the same time.

    This type of scenario works well when a company has offices in different time zones.