Secondary Entity for Opportunity

We have added numerous columns to the Opportunity table, and ultimately I want to add a new table tying to the Opportunity to extend additional Opportunity Details into. Using the Advanced customization wizard as I am finding it the optimal solution, as from my experience it makes the new entity a one to many set-up, and I only need a one-to-one table, that doesn't need communications, or workflow, or anything else that the wizard sets up for you. I want to put this table as a new tab under Opportunity that doesn't lead to a list rather directly to the table with change screen capabilities. Is this even a possibility?

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  • 0 in reply to Sage CRM

    var myBlock = CRM.GetBlock('ProjectDetailsSummary');
    var myRecord = CRM.FindRecord('ProjectDetails','adpd_OpportunityId=20');

    I have this and am getting nowhere with it, I can only get a 500 Internal Error, even if I hard code it to s specific record. I am so lost with this. Don't suppose you have anything else that could help me understand this. ProjectDetails is my entity.

  • 0 in reply to DKarkanica

    Thanks Sage CRM for all your help with this. I ended up making use of the Summary page that was generated with the Advanced Customization Wizard.

    I added the following piece of code to the beginning of this page to get the custom table items ID to feed into the summary page.

    CurrentOpportunityID=CRM.GetContextInfo("Opportunity", "Oppo_OpportunityId");
    var GetProjDtlID = CRM.CreateQueryObj("SELECT TOP 1 adpd_ProjectDetailsID FROM [SOLAR_CRM].[dbo].[ProjectDetails] WHERE adpd_OpportunityId=" + CurrentOpportunityID + "", "");

    This was quite successful, in accomplishing what I needed to accomplish.