Escalation rule not working



i have an escalation rule running on a view on the company table (a view joining opportunity and company data)

it is supposed to set a field on the company table but it doesnt seem to be working - when i run the rule sql trigger in SQL i can see results but the escalation rule doesnt seem to want to run

is there any issues with running escalation rules on views?

Parents Reply
  • +1 in reply to SIQ
    verified answer

    This shouldn't be any different but just try the following, I've just changed a few elements of your query. Intrigued to see if this affects it in any way

    oppo_paidinfull_n IS NULL AND DATEDIFF(Day,oppo_invoicesentdate,GETDATE())<60 AND comp_renewalun IS NULL AND oppo_bookingtype = 'MC' AND oppo_status <> 'Cancelled'
