CRM Create Script - change the default value based on an IF statement


I've been scratching my head on this one for the past couple of days and wonder if anyone can help? I've seen a couple of similar queries here but when I've tried to implement the results I've not had any luck. 

I'm trying to set the default value of a fee field to 150 when the loan type and loan purpose meet specific criteria, so far I've had no luck! 

Below is what I've tried using most recently. 

var Application = CRM.FindRecord('application',Value('appl_applicationid'));
var loanType = CRM.GetContextInfo("Application","appl_loantype");
if (Application.appl_loan_purpose == 'Purchase' && loanType == 'Buy')
	DefaultValue = 150;
	DefaultValue = 100;



  • 0

    If I recall correctly, you cannot use GetContextInfo with a custom entity.  If you switch this out to an SQL query, it should work.

    Hope this helps!!

  • 0 in reply to Michele Gaw

    You can as I have used it in the past, for example I use the following on CreateScript to control the searching on an Adv. Search Select

    ​var myrecord = CRM.GetContextInfo("Project_Milestone","prmi_opportunityid");
    SearchSQL = "rebr_opportunityid=" + myrecord;

    I'm weak on JavaScript but James's script doesn't 100% make sense to me - the var gets the ID from appl_applicationid but doesn't do anything with it, then in the IF I'm not shaw how it is gettting the appl_loan_purpose field, is this not confusing. shouldn't it be something like 

    var Purpose = CRM.GetContecxtInfo("Application","appl_load_purpose");
    var loanType = CRM.GetContextInfo("Application","appl_loantype");
    if (Purpose == 'Purchase' && loanType == 'Buy')
  • 0 in reply to Matthew Shaw

    Thank you Michele & Matthew for your replies, based on this I've tried;

    var purpose = CRM.GetContextInfo("Application","appl_loan_Purpose");
    var loanType = CRM.GetContextInfo("Application","appl_loantype");
    if (purpose =='Purchase' && loanType == 'Buy')
    	DefaultValue = 150;
    	DefaultValue = 100;

    but, when the entity is created the default value doesn't change. 

    I'm new to javascript so please excuse any rookie mistakes! 

  • 0 in reply to James Bolton

    Sorry!  I should have clarified as to whether your entity "Application" is a primary or secondary entity.  It is a secondary entity that cannot use GetContextInfo()

    "Secondary entities are technically never in context so the GetContextInfo method doesn't work for these entities. "

    Please refer to the this article for additional details...

    Again, I should have looked at what you are trying to do in more detail as I think you are actually trying to pull values off the "screen" before record is commited rather than pulling data off of a commited record since your are using "Create Script".  If I am understanding that correctly, you will want to user the Values collection.  :-)

    Something like this...

    Therefore, you will put this in the create script field for the "fee" field. :-)
    I am assuming that the purpose and type are entered as the application record is being created. I am
    also assuming the Purpose and Type are both fields on the Application entity.

    var loanPurpose = Values(appl_loan_purpose);
    var loanType = Values(appl_loantype);
    if (loanPurpose == 'Purchase' && loanType == 'Buy')
    DefaultValue = 150;
    DefaultValue = 100;

  • 0 in reply to Michele Gaw

    Here is a link to more details on the Values() Collection

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