Tax and Discount percentage in Quote item did not auto calculate

Hi All,

I make the tax and discount percentage and value field available on display on Quote free text item, but it seems I can only enter value on the fields, and it did not auto calculate the tax or discount value. How do I set these value to be calculated automatically accordingly, by sequence? I.e to auto calculate the discount value by percentage, then calculate tax value by percentage?

Thank you

  • 0

    try this on insert record table level script on quote items 

    function InsertDiscVAT()

    var sum=Values('quit_quotedpricetotal');
    var calcDiscamnt=(parseFloat(sum)*(parseFloat(discperc)/100));
    var taxperc=Values('quit_taxperc');
    var calcTaxamnt = (parseFloat(sum)*(1-(parseFloat(discperc)/100))*(parseFloat(taxperc)/100));

