Unable to contact server Not 200


Is anyone aware of a fix for this error when dragging files onto a record or attaching?
We have a number of sites that have recently started to report this error when attaching file or emails and the only solution we've found is to reboot the CRM server. Restarting tomcat or IIS alone does not resolve!!

Any pointers appreciated.


  • 0

    Have you ever found out why this happened? Or a solution to it other than a server reboot?

    I am having the same problem but a reboot didn't help it. 

    This is the only reference to this particular problem that I have been able to find.

  • 0 in reply to SNB

    I've found 4 possible reasons:

    • The attachment size exceeds the limit set in the 'File Size Limitation' in the Documents & Reports Configuration
    • The attachment name has an 'unsupported character' in it. I've had issues with % and $.
    • The actual attachment is not deemed as a valid file. This has been where a PDF has been created using an unsupported application and the header details are not as expected.
    • The final one, which should be resolved with a reboot, is that apparently Apache Tomcat has a memory leak and once it hits the limit it causes the 200 error. You'll start seeing this initially on large attachments, so a user may fail when attaching a 10Mb file but it works fine on a 3Mb file!! This will then start to affect all files, so when only 1 user initially reports the issue and others work OK, it spreads..

    Hope this help.


    And as 'Tinojovani' has already posted, disk space Slight smile

  • 0 in reply to SNB

    I've found 4 possible reasons:

    • The attachment size exceeds the limit set in the 'File Size Limitation' in the Documents & Reports Configuration
    • The attachment name has an 'unsupported character' in it. I've had issues with % and $.
    • The actual attachment is not deemed as a valid file. This has been where a PDF has been created using an unsupported application and the header details are not as expected.
    • The final one, which should be resolved with a reboot, is that apparently Apache Tomcat has a memory leak and once it hits the limit it causes the 200 error. You'll start seeing this initially on large attachments, so a user may fail when attaching a 10Mb file but it works fine on a 3Mb file!! This will then start to affect all files, so when only 1 user initially reports the issue and others work OK, it spreads..

    Hope this help.


    And as 'Tinojovani' has already posted, disk space Slight smile

  • 0 in reply to RBC_1

    Thank you all for your feedback, it was helpful.  It seems we had two problems going on 1) The memory leak which causes the problem in the first place, and 2) The account I was using to reboot the server was missing some permissions.  It could start Sage, but very soon services would crash again making it look like the reboot wasn't working. When we tried it with a different account, the reboot fixed it.